Saturday, January 25, 2014

An afternoon:-

Warmth of the January sun and its cool afternoon breeze,
Leading to a safe haven of pleasure
Just in the right measure
Sans a rigorous usher

Mutual adulation, adoration
A certain innocuous indulgence
A feel of the ‘real’, peeling off the virtual wall...

An unostentatious sensory feast
That is to say the least
Putting a rest to some beastly passion
Love, with pure compassion...

Oodles of creativity,
Doled out with some mundane this and that,
Latently blending with the afternoon warmth,
Fullness leading to some bareness
With just the watch, silently keeping time!

Up so close, with the sound of breath
Smell of some familiar watery perfume
Permeating around the bareness,
Ensued by some gentle smiles of acknowledgement
And careless whispers of merriment...

Writers, wordsmiths in their own right
Accepting one another without a blight
An uninhibited zone of comforting PEACE...
But hey, do the WORDS get transmitted too in the process?
Oh yeah, bequeath it does some racy, passionate knowledge,
Etched in the mind it shall remain ALWAYS!

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