Friday, March 21, 2014

Dear Visitor

It is pleasing to know that you have stopped by and left your footprints by way of comments. There could be these hits -just because somebody accidentally touched the link whilst scrolling past their newsfeed on Facebook or it could even be because their smartphone behaved cranky that they were taken to this page of mine as opposed to some other internet destination. Yet there are a handful of these visitors who bother to pause, imbibe the verse, sometimes even prose sprayed on my page, and what more, decipher some sense out of the web of words and leave a gratifying response. All I have to say is, Thank You. For the fact that you even consider coming to my page, which is my Serendipity. If the words strewn in are something that makes you relate to your experience, or rather if you feel doppelganged, or a certain dejavu, then understand my dear Visitor, that you just brought a curve on my cheeks. A gentle smile. It means the world to me- tiny pleasures,  for such a self-lover I am!


  1. Dear Serendipist,

    May your writing blossom,
    Into a fragrant flower,
    Which imparts wisdom and joy,
    To those who read your works.

    This is just the beginning,
    Of a lot of good things,
    That are destined to happen soon.

    All will be well :)
    Keep writing!!! :)

  2. @theertha: spraying goodness all around; thank you; happy visiting:-)
