Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A fresh set of newspapers had arrived. It was the beginning of a new month. 3 major publications of the country had been newly delivered as per special instruction. Until then she had devoted time for only of the dailies among the three. What the others published did not really matter to her for she was a blind reader of just one publication. There lie a journalist deep within her, but she stood no chance- for she had no corresponding academia backing her up. Thanks to a sensible set of mentors, that her reading canvas was broadened and writing was constructively criticised. Yet, there was no respite in terms of landing a career in any of these media houses. Reading multiple papers, was she to do a news analysis? How could she plot an escapade from her current boredom? Biting her teeth, she clenched her wrist- she felt a certain writhing pain that wasn't merely physical, but it was straight from the heart and mind that echoed in unison- "Get out of what you're doing- MOVE ON!"

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