Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A tribute to my English Teacher...

Excitement fills up my senses the minute I realize I actually spoke to the professor of my teens!
Some of the building blocks of my vocabulary were laid by this venerable teacher of mine...
Thoughts of you, Sir, lay within me for years together and I knew not how to find you; although we claim "it's a small world!"
And now, lo&behold, like a God-sent gift, I regain contact with you, out of oblivion!
Of carnatic music, Of solitude, of penning. the thoughts we shared are as deep as the ocean...!
I am now tongue-tied as I spoke to you, despite the fact that we still caught up on loads of topics!
Though our conversation was short, it has made me sit down with my soul-mates- my book and my pen; and pen down some beautiful musings on your greatness!!!